Spine Stenosis – a major problem for the people

The column of bone is called the spine and this is considered as vertebrae. It basically provides support and stability to the upper part of the body. With the help of it, we can turn or twist. In vertebrae, the spinal nerves are run and conduct various signals from the brain to another part of the body. These nerves mainly protected by the bones and tissues around them. Once these nerves get damaged or not work properly, these may affect functions like sensation power, walking, and balance. Spinal stenosis is a condition in a body where the spinal column gets narrow and also starts pressing the spinal cord. This condition is basically quite gradual. If narrowing or pressure is lesser then there will be no symptoms but it is too much, it can compress the nerves and creates too many problems for the body. Stenosis can be present anywhere in the spine but the effect of it on the spine can be varied. There are other names for spinal stenosis pseudo-claudication central spi...