Find a solution of scoliosis with Sattvik spine and scoliosis centre in Bangalore

 As we are so familiar with the problems of spine at different age groups, scoliosis is also one of them. Scoliosis is a condition in which the spine of the person gets curved into one side. This curvature can be in any direction of the spinal part but mostly it affects the regions of upper spine and the lower spine. People who have such a problem don’t have to panic because it can be treated easily. Sometimes the conditions arise where the problem ( scoliosis ) cannot be identified or noticeable but people who are facing scoliosis problems have uneven shoulders or hips because of the curvature of the spine.


As per survey , majority of the cases of the scoliosis don’t have to do the treatment because the curvature does not progress to a significant amount. Sometimes the spine specialist may also recommend physical therapy and back bracing, this depends on the curvatures degree. Only a few people need to undergo surgery while having problems with scoliosis.


Mostly it appears during the teen age ( around 10-12 years of age ). Rarely it is present in the infants. Studies showed that there is no certain evidence which describes the reason for scoliosis. With a non knowledgeable reason, specialists called it idiopathic scoliosis.


Specialists - Best scoliosis Surgeon in India also describe the curvature on two basis structures and non-structural where the structural one are the permanent one which may arise due to injury and non structural one are temporary and they will be treated by the specialist.



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